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2021 Stormwater Code Effective July 1

Chinook salmon spawning in Thornton creek.The 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual update is on track to become effective on July 1, 2021. The new rules will replace the current Stormwater Code and Directors’ Rules, which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). For more information, visit our Updating Stormwater Regulations Background page.

Draft documents of the revised rules and summary of the Stormwater Code changes are available on the Updating Stormwater Regulations Project Documents page, including the following:

  • Ordinance to revise the Stormwater Code (Seattle Municipal Code Chapters 22.800-22.808): the final draft submitted to City Council was posted on May 3, 2021.
  • 2021 Seattle Stormwater Manual (Joint DR SPU DWW-200 / SDCI 10-2021).
  • SPU’s New Public Drainage System Director’s Rule (SPU DR DWW-210): the draft documents from the official public notice period are posted on the website. We are considering public comments and will post the final documents soon.

You can find recordings from three of the Public Meetings that highlighted the code changes on the Updating Stormwater Regulations Get Involved page.

What’s happening now?
We are scheduled to present the final Stormwater Code ordinance to the City Council Transportation & Utilities Committee for approval on May 5, 2021 and then to the full City Council on May 10, 2021.  Votes for approval will be scheduled at these meetings. More information about these meetings can be found on the Seattle City Council calendar.

After the Council approves the Stormwater Code ordinance and the Mayor signs it, the SDCI and SPU Director’s will sign the associated Director’s Rules.

How will this affect my project?
Projects with a complete and accepted permit application (building or grading permit) on or after July 1, 2021 must comply with the 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual and the new SPU Public Drainage System Director’s Rule. A permit application is complete and accepted after all required documents have been submitted, SDCI has screened and accepted the application, and all intake fees have been paid.  This does not include preliminary applications, Master Use Permit (MUP) applications, Preliminary Assessment Reports (PARs), or Preliminary Assessment Site Visit (PASV) reports.

Note: the SDCI drainage review team is already completing PARs using the 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual requirements assuming that most projects in the preliminary application stage will not have a complete and accepted application until on or after July 1, 2021. If you have questions about this, please email

How can I sign up to receive future updates?
If you’d like to receive notifications about the ongoing City of Seattle Stormwater Code update or to receive information on the upcoming public meetings, sign up for the Stormwater Code Listserv on our website by clicking on the Subscribe Now button. Once you have entered your email address, select the SDCI Stormwater Code box (as well as any other subject you may wish).