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Post-Permit Shop Drawings No Longer Required for Post-Tensioned Concrete Systems

A person inspecting a construction site.Effective immediately, SDCI no longer requires applicants to submit Post-Permit Shop Drawing for Post-Tensioned (PT) Concrete Systems.  Over the years, the design practice and process for PT concrete systems has evolved so that most of the relevant and critical design information is now shown on the construction documents.  We check that information for code compliance during our plan review process before we issue the building permit.  SDCI still considers post-tensioned concrete shop drawings prepared by specialty engineers (licensed in the state of Washington) to be Deferred Submittals and are still required to be reviewed and found to be in general conformance to the building design by the Structural Engineer in Responsible Charge and available onsite prior to installations.  However, we no longer require these shop drawings to be submitted to SDCI as part of the Post-Permit Shop Drawing Submittal process.

We have made this change to streamline the post-tensioned concrete shop drawing submittal process. We believe this more efficient and time-saving process will benefit our customers’ and contractors’ construction schedules.