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SEPA Parking Amendments Effective January 20, 2023

Street parking near apartments.

On January 20, 2023, the state proposed SEPA related amendments removed parking as an element of the environment and revised the environmental checklist.  As a result of new state law, SDCI will no longer identify and analyze parking impacts in its SEPA analysis.  A new Environmental (SEPA) checklist is available on the SDCI forms page and required with submittal of a Master Use Permit for project proposals that require SEPA.

The following state-proposed SEPA-related amendments became effective on January 20:

  • Removing parking as an element of the environment in WAC 197-11-444(2)(c)(iv)
  • Removing the question “How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate?” from the environmental checklist in WAC 197-11-960(B)(14)(c)

What does this mean for project proposals that require SEPA under the City of Seattle Environmental Policies and Procedures ordinance (SMC 25.05)?

  • The new Environmental (SEPA) Checklist is available on SDCI’s Forms web page. You are required to include the updated checklist with your submittal of a Master Use Permit for project proposals that require SEPA.
  • SDCI will no longer identify and analyze parking impacts in its SEPA analysis.

What if I’m an applicant and have a Master Use Permit application under review that includes SEPA?

  • Please reach out to your assigned Land Use Review Planner to discuss your application.  We may no longer require documentation or reports about parking impacts.

How to determine if your proposal requires SEPA review: