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Public Comment Period Open for Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems

The Washington State Department of Health is developing rules that will govern the installation, maintenance, testing, and reporting requirements for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems within Washington. These rules will apply retroactively to existing installations. The proposed final rule (WAC 246-275) is now available for public comment through March 8 at the ONWS rulemaking website.

Close up of water drops in the air.The Washington State Department of Health is developing rules that will govern the installation, maintenance, testing, and reporting requirements for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems within Washington. These rules will apply retroactively to existing installations. The proposed final rule (WAC 246-275) is now available for public comment through March 8 at the ONWS rulemaking website.

If you or your firm is involved with the design, installation, commissioning, testing, or maintenance of such systems, please take the time to review the proposed rule and provide comments as appropriate by March 8.