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Deconstruction Incentive and How-to Salvage Video

Deconstruction a building to reuse the building material.Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) recently launched a pilot Deconstruction Incentive Program and is offering up to $4,000 per deconstruction project. The incentive program encourages building owners to deconstruct rather than outright demolish the building.

As a further incentive, Seattle City Light has agreed to fast track deconstruction projects for electrical disconnects. The monetary incentive and potential reduction in permitting timeline make taking on deconstruction more appealing. Deconstruction incentive funds are available through mid-2023.

For more information and to apply for the deconstruction incentive, please visit SPU’s deconstruction webpage.

Deconstruction has multiple benefits, such as capturing useful wood for incorporation into new buildings, avoiding stormwater and dust impacts from demolition, and sending less material to the landfill. Additionally, deconstruction satisfies the site development requirement for the SDCI permit incentives, the Green Building Standard and Priority Green Expedited.

For all remodeling and demolition projects, it’s important to capture building materials for reuse. To help contractors understand what to look for and how to reclaim building materials, SPU worked with the local salvage stores to produce a brief how-to video.