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Introducing Our New Residential Inspection Quick Sheets!

A wall framed with electrical and pumping features ready for an inspection.SDCI is committed to providing you with the best possible service and support throughout your residential building projects. We understand that the inspection process can sometimes feel overwhelming, and that’s why we are thrilled to introduce our new Residential Inspection Quick Sheets!

Our Residential Inspection Quick Sheets are guides designed to help give transparency to the inspection process by understanding what our inspectors are looking for during inspections. A few examples of what our inspectors look for are:

  • Fire and life safety components, such as smoke alarms, emergency escape openings, carbon monoxide detectors, and guardrails.
  • Structural components, such as seismic hardware and fasteners, wood framing, deck construction, and concrete foundations.
  • Energy components, such as heat pumps, furnaces, insulation, and building air leakage.

Each Residential Inspection Quick Sheet displays the current building code references that our inspectors use to provide code-based results on all our inspections. Our quick sheets also provide information on when in your project to schedule each inspection. For example, you will schedule your building final inspection after all construction is completed and all related permits have passed final inspections.

To schedule an inspection, you can go to the SDCI website or call (206)-684-8950. For questions regarding an upcoming inspection, please call (206)-684-8950 and our admin staff can connect you with your district inspector.

Our hope is that our Residential Inspection Quick Sheets will help you be better informed and help make your project’s inspections go more smoothly.