SDCI is updating the Smoke Control Acceptance test form to increase clarity and maintain alignment with upcoming code changes. This form is used by SDCI to verify all performance requirements in Seattle Building Code section 909 have been met for a newly installed or altered Smoke Control System in the City of Seattle. Where required, these systems are intended to provide a smoke free environment for the evacuation or relocation of occupants during a fire by either pressurizing or ventilating open atriums, stairways, and elevator shafts.
SDCI is looking for volunteers to be a part of our external stakeholder’s group to review, provide valuable feedback, and make changes to our update of the Smoke Control Acceptance Test form. Volunteers only need to attend one of the virtual sessions on June 13 and 20 from 2:00 -3:00 p.m. Participation will include a short presentation of the recommended changes to the form followed by a feedback session to ask questions, make recommendations, or simply comment on the process.
For additional information about the stakeholder review sessions, or to be added to our invitation list, please contact