– Public Comment Period Now Open
The Department of Ecology is requiring Seattle to update our current codes with additional stormwater control regulations as a condition of our NPDES permit. To meet these requirements, we are revising our existing Stormwater Code (SMC 22.800-22.808) and the associated Stormwater Manual (Directors’ Rule 17-2017/DWW-200). These new rules will replace the current drainage control code and Directors’ Rules which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities.
The draft updates have now been posted for public review on the Updating Stormwater Regulations website.
The review period will last 45 days, ending on May 16. You can submit comments by sending an email to SPUStormwaterCodeRev@seattle.gov.
The City is also working on options to virtually present these latest updates and to hold question-and-answer sessions. Additional information on the format of these meetings will be provided in future updates, but the scheduled dates are below:
- Tuesday, April 21: 3:15 – 4:45 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 29: 3:15 – 4:45 p.m.
For more information visit our Updating Stormwater Code Regulations webpage.