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New Floating On-Water Residences Director’s Rule

HouseboatSDCI published a new Director’s Rule (DR 9-2020) entitled Verification of floating on-water residences on July 30, 2020. The purpose of the Director’s Rule is to clarify the application material required for verification of floating on-water residences and to establish an end date of September 30, 2020 for verifying any new floating on-water residences.

You can find the final Director’s Rule 9-2020, Verification of floating on-water residences, on SDCI’s page for Land Use Director’s Rules, including the Shoreline regulations. The Director’s Rule includes a link to SDCI’s forms page where you can find a PDF of the Floating On-Water Residence Verification Form that you can fill in electronically.

For questions regarding the verification of floating on-water residences please contact:

Megan Mueller