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Posts tagged with emergency preparedness Archives - Building Connections

It’s Landslide Season! Are You Prepared?

Protect and inspect your hillside property Landslide season is here, so the City of Seattle is urging residents to take preventive measures to protect themselves and their property from possible landslides. Did you know that most landslides occur between the months of November and March? The threat of landslides will… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Landslide Season! Are You Prepared?

Landslide season is here, so the City of Seattle is urging residents to take preventive measures to protect themselves and their property from possible landslides. Did you know that most landslides occur between the months of November and March? As snow melts and rainfall continues to increase throughout the winter, the threat of landslides will continue to rise.

May is Building Safety Month

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections and the City of Seattle are proud to participate in the International Code Council’s annual Building Safety Month campaign this May. This event has been the emphasis of the International Code Council and its predecessors for the past 40 years. The goal and… [ Keep reading ]

Building Safety Month Resources

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections and the City of Seattle are proud to participate in the International Code Council’s annual Building Safety Month campaign this May. This event, created by the International Code Council, has a goal and purpose to showcase the work and mission of the codes,… [ Keep reading ]