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Posts tagged with final code Archives - Building Connections

Design Review Exemption Legislation

City Council recently adopted legislation to enact a temporary exemption from Design Review.  Until November 2, 2027, as part of the Downtown Activation Plan, projects that include any research and development laboratory uses or that are developing at least half of the project with residential or lodging uses are exempt… [ Keep reading ]

2021 Seattle Construction Codes Adoption Process

We are now accepting code change proposals as part of the update of the Seattle Construction Codes from the 2018 to the 2021 code editions. Anyone proposing a code change for the building, residential, mechanical, fuel gas, existing building, and plumbing codes is encouraged to do so by January 1, 2023. SDCI and the Construction Codes Advisory Board will review these proposals and any staff-proposed code changes for potential inclusion in the new codes beginning in January 2023. 

New Small Business Permit Facilitator and Dedicated Permit Services

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is now offering dedicated permit services for future tenants of downtown vacant storefronts and small businesses citywide. Downtown tenants and small businesses have been disproportionally impacted during this pandemic. The goal of this new service is to provide early coaching to tenants in advance of signing a lease, to minimize costly requirements, and set businesses up for success by reducing the time it takes to obtain a permit.