SDCI has changed the process for accepting structural anchorage for mechanical units. This process change can speed up our application review and reduce the number of correction cycles.
We now accept deferred submittals for the structural anchorage of mechanical units when the mechanical review is included in construction (6xxxxxx-CN) or phased (6xxxxxx-PH) records. However, the applicant may choose to include the details in the initial plan submittal. For stand-alone mechanical permits (6xxxxxx-ME), you must submit the structural anchorage information at intake.
We have also changed some of the requirements for the structural anchorage information. We no longer need the details included on a full-sized plan sheet. You can show the structural anchorage details on smaller-sized sheets included in the plan set document. We still require the structural anchorage details and calculations to be sealed by a Washington State licensed Structural Engineer. Be sure to clearly identify the scope of the structural engineer’s seal in the plan set.
If you have questions about these changes, please contact:
Nancy Devine
(206) 684-3406