Upcoming public meetings (November 12, 2020 and January 28, 2021) and public review periods
Our proposed 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual update is scheduled to be effective in July 2021. Our new rules will replace the current Stormwater code and Directors’ Rules, which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). For more information, visit our Updating Stormwater Regulations – Background page.
The first draft documents of the 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual, supporting documentation, and other related project code changes were shared in April 2020 for public comment. They are still available for your review on the Updating Stormwater Regulations – Project Documents website, but have not been updated since the first draft.
SPU and SDCI are busy responding to Washington State Department of Ecology comments, public comments, and internal comments. Revised draft documents will be posted during the two upcoming public review periods as follows:
November 2 – 20, 2020: The revised draft Stormwater Code, Volume 1 of the Manual, and Appendix B (Additional Submittal Requirements) will be posted for public review.
January 11 – February 19, 2021: The full revised draft of the Stormwater Manual (all volumes and appendices) will be posted for public review.
As part of this process, we are holding the following public meetings. See the Updating Stormwater Regulations webpage for meeting details.
(Completed) Spring of 2020: Two online public meetings were held on April 26 and May 6, 2020. If you missed them, watch our recording of the April 26 meeting and take a look at the PowerPoint available on the Updating Stormwater Regulations – Project Documents
November 12, 2020: This meeting will focus on changes to the Stormwater Code, Volume 1 of the Stormwater Manual, and Appendix B (Additional Submittal Requirements).
January 28, 2021: This meeting will focus on changes to the full revised draft of the Stormwater Manual (all volumes and appendices) since the spring 2020 public review period.
Spring 2021: City Council Public Meeting
If you’d like to receive notifications about the ongoing City of Seattle Stormwater Code update or to receive information on the upcoming public meetings, Sign up for the Stormwater Code ListServ.
What’s Happening with the Stormwater Code Update?
Upcoming public meetings (November 12, 2020 and January 28, 2021) and public review periods
Our proposed 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual update is scheduled to be effective in July 2021. Our new rules will replace the current Stormwater code and Directors’ Rules, which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). For more information, visit our Updating Stormwater Regulations – Background page.
The first draft documents of the 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual, supporting documentation, and other related project code changes were shared in April 2020 for public comment. They are still available for your review on the Updating Stormwater Regulations – Project Documents website, but have not been updated since the first draft.
SPU and SDCI are busy responding to Washington State Department of Ecology comments, public comments, and internal comments. Revised draft documents will be posted during the two upcoming public review periods as follows:
As part of this process, we are holding the following public meetings. See the Updating Stormwater Regulations webpage for meeting details.
If you’d like to receive notifications about the ongoing City of Seattle Stormwater Code update or to receive information on the upcoming public meetings, Sign up for the Stormwater Code ListServ.