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Save the Date: Stormwater Code and Manual Update Listening Session

In preparation for the next Stormwater Code & Manual we are holding a virtual listening session for the development, building and design community. As one of the groups that uses these rules, we want to hear from you how we can improve the Stormwater Code & Manual so that there… [ Keep reading ]

Landlord Workshop on September 11

Join SDCI’s Renting in Seattle staff at City Hall for a landlord workshop on Wednesday, July 17 at City Hall. This in-person only event is a comprehensive training on rental regulations and fair housing laws in Seattle that apply throughout the rental cycle from move-in to move-out. This training is open… [ Keep reading ]

City Seeks Feedback on Funding Option to Protect Buildings During an Earthquake

The City of Seattle is holding a listening session for developers and owners of URM buildings for a proposed new Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program to support seismic retrofits of URM buildings. The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) and Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) are hosting this meeting on Tuesday, February 27 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Bertha Knight Landes Room in Seattle City Hall. You can register and view the meeting agenda for this in-person event on the Unreinforced Masonry Buildings website.

Closed Captioning and Translation Comes to SDCI’s Public Meetings

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections is excited to announce we are adding closed captioning and translation to most online public meetings. Beginning in January 2023, our virtual Design Review Board meetings and land use public meetings will include closed captioning and will offer automatic translation into the languages spoken most often in our communities. SDCI will also offer these services for other online public events.

Open House: Building Performance Standards Policy Development

The Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE) is conducting stakeholder and community engagement on creating draft legislation for new City of Seattle regulations for commercial and multifamily buildings. The draft legislation would apply to commercial and multifamily buildings 20,000 square feet and larger and would reduce climate-polluting emissions and transition towards cleaner, healthier places to live and work. Called ‘Building Performance Standards,’ these carbon emissions targets would become gradually stronger over time towards a goal of cleaner, healthier, ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions buildings by 2050.

Updated Stormwater Code/Manual – Online Training

The updated City of Seattle Stormwater Code and Manual became effective July 1, 2021. Please visit our Stormwater Code website as a great deal has changed with this update.

What’s Happening with the Stormwater Code Update?

Our proposed 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual update is scheduled to be effective in July 2021. Our new rules will replace the current Stormwater code and Directors’ Rules, which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). For more information, visit our Updating Stormwater Regulations web page. There are two public review periods and three public meetings coming up between now and mid-2021.

Updated King County Sewer Treatment Capacity Forms

SDCI is required to collect King County Sewer Treatment Capacity forms for all new construction projects, including detached accessory dwelling units (DADUs) and attached accessory dwelling units (AADUs).  The King County forms were updated. Please confirm you are using the latest version of the fillable PDF forms.

Online Paid Zoning Coaching Appointments

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on guidance from our public health partners, we are no longer hosting in-person paid zoning coaching appointments at the Seattle Municipal Tower. In an effort to facilitate teleworking, SDCI offers online paid zoning coaching meetings through Microsoft (MS) Teams online meetings.  

Reminder: SPU’s Development Services Office Walk-In Center is Permanently Closed

As of August 17, 2020, the Seattle Public Utilities Development Services Office (DSO) walk-in center on the 27th floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower is permanently closed to the public. After that date, the DSO will meet with customers by appointment only.