Comment Opportunity for Updated Tree Requirements Tip
The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) recently updated several of our Tips related to the Tree Protection Code (SMC 25.11) to provide additional clarification on our current tree regulations. In particular, SDCI substantially updated Tip 242A, Tree Requirements Associated with Development, to include information related to the basic tree protection area and the allowance to remove Tier 2 trees in certain instances. Tips are one tool the department uses to explain complex codes to the public and help customers understand the regulations. Tips also give guidance on how applicants should show compliance with codes in a permit application.
Opportunity to Discuss Seattle’s Green Building Permit Incentives
For almost two decades, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) has offered developers construction benefits in exchange for meeting green building standards. These incentives have helped create thousands of certified green buildings. They are part of a suite of actions to reduce the City’s building carbon emissions by… [ Keep reading ]