- Tip 317, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Heat Detectors, and Heat Alarms in Residences and Family Home Day Care,
- Tip 319, Getting a Grip on Handrails, was updated with the current Seattle codes.
- Tip 421, Controlled Receptacles, was updated with the current Seattle code.
Director’s Rules
- DDR 16-2021, Commercial kitchen exhaust hood and ducts: Alternative exhaust duct termination locations for small commercial kitchen exhaust systems in taller buildings, outlines the conditions under which a small Type I exhaust system can terminate at an exterior wall without the installation of a pollution control unit.
- DR 15, 2021, Seismic Evaluation Report Requirements for Buildings Undergoing Substantial Alterations, describes the seismic evaluation report requirements that must be submitted to the building official for proposed seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings undergoing substantial alterations.