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How Can I Get in the Intake Express Lane?

Have you had that frustrating experience of being ready to submit your construction permit application only to find that you have to schedule an intake appointment that isn’t available for several weeks or months? Maybe you thought you would need to postpone your project because you couldn’t get an appointment…. [ Keep reading ]

Opportunity to Discuss Seattle’s Green Building Permit Incentives

For almost two decades, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) has offered developers construction benefits in exchange for meeting green building standards. These incentives have helped create thousands of certified green buildings. They are part of a suite of actions to reduce the City’s building carbon emissions by… [ Keep reading ]

Master Use Permits’ Lifespan Extended to 6 years, Simplified Renewal Process

Seattle is experiencing challenging conditions. This is affecting the ability of people who have permits or will soon obtain permits to start their projects. Availability of financing and other costs influence whether or when many of these projects can proceed.

Fremont Watershed Building Fulfills Living Building Pilot Program Requirements

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is excited to announce the Watershed building in Fremont is our third Living Building Pilot building to successfully complete the pilot program green building requirements. The Watershed building recently received Petal Certification from the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) and met the requirements to reduce energy and water use.  Only two other pilot projects have successfully completed the process—the Bullitt Center and Stone 34.

Upgrade to Permit & Property Records Search

You may have noticed that the Permit & Property Records Search tool looks a bit different. That is because we upgraded the servers where SDCI’s documents are all stored. Part of that effort included rebuilding the Permit & Property Records Search page. We took this opportunity to modernize this site with features we hope you will find useful.