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Updated Green Building Incentives

SDCI’s green building permit incentives aim to create more efficient buildings that center around clean electric energy, water, and resource conservation with a focus on human health. Projects can gain additional height or floor area or a faster building permit in exchange for meeting specific green building goals and certification. SDCI updated the Green Building Standard and Priority Green Expedited on March 15, 2021.

2018 Seattle Codes Effective as of March 15

The 2018 Seattle construction codes went into effect on March 15, 2021. Unless your project is vested to an earlier code, all new permit applications are required to use the 2018 version of the building, residential, existing building, mechanical, fuel gas, plumbing, elevator, and fire codes and the 2020 versions of the electrical and boiler codes. A summary of key changes can be found on the Project Documents page of SDCI’s 2018 Seattle Code Adoption webpage.

Seattle Code Books Available to Purchase Online

SDCI is now offering the 2018 Seattle code books available for purchase through the Seattle Services Portal. You can submit your request for a hardcopy of the current version of the Seattle code books and we will mail them to you.

New Code Interpretation for Townhouse Unit Separation

SDCI published a new Code Interpretation R302.2 Townhouse Unit Separation on March 15, 2021. The purpose of the Code Interpretation is to clarify methods to provide separation between townhouse units designed to the 2018 Seattle Residential Code. Typically, the code requires a fire-resistance-rated wall assembly to provide continuous separation between units from foundation to roof. There are several conditions where separation is required to extend beyond this enclosed floor area.

Mayor Signs Childcare Near You Ordinance

On August 21, 2020, Mayor Jenny Durkan signed Ordinance 126131, the Childcare Near You legislation, providing greater flexibility to establish new child care centers in nearly all zones in the city including single-family zones.  This ordinance is effective as of September 20, 2020.

What’s Happening with the Stormwater Code Update?

Our proposed 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual update is scheduled to be effective in July 2021. Our new rules will replace the current Stormwater code and Directors’ Rules, which are administered jointly by SDCI and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). For more information, visit our Updating Stormwater Regulations web page. There are two public review periods and three public meetings coming up between now and mid-2021.

Interim Floodplain Development Regulations Public Hearing

On July 24, 2020, the City passed Ordinance 126113, which establishes interim floodplain development regulations. Interim regulations are required for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program and are based on a Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Study. Interim regulations will be in place for six months while SDCI develops recommendations for permanent regulations. The ordinance was passed pursuant to RCW 36.70A.390 and, unless renewed, will expire in February 2021. 

Seattle Floodplain Development Regulations

New interim Floodplain Development Regulations and floodplain maps will take effect on August 23, 2020.  The City of Seattle is required by FEMA to update our floodplain maps based on their new maps dated August 19, 2020. As part of this update, Seattle is also required to update SMC 25.06, which is Seattle’s Floodplain Development Regulations. These interim regulations will be effective for approximately six months while SDCI works on permanent regulations.

2018 Seattle Construction Code Adoption Delayed Until 2021

SDCI is in the process of updating Seattle’s construction codes to the 2018 versions of the building, residential, existing buildings, fire, electrical, mechanical, energy, fuel gas, elevator, boiler, and plumbing codes. Due to many factors, including the impacts of the COVID-19, the 2018 Washington State Construction Codes effective date has been delayed. SDCI will be aligning the effective date of our 2018 code versions with the State’s current effective date of February 1, 2021. 

What’s Happening With the Stormwater Code Update?

The draft documents of the 2021 Stormwater Code and Manual, supporting documentation, and other related project code changes are available for your review on the project documents page. The official public review period for these documents was April 1 – May 16, 2020, but we are still interested in your comments. Visit the get involved page to find the template and instructions for submitting your feedback. We will hold another official comment period in the Fall/Winter of 2020.