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Archives for 2024

Reminder: Time to Apply for a Grading Season Extension

The rainy season is rapidly approaching, which means it’s time to think about whether you will be doing any grading between November 1 and March 31. If your project includes Geotechnical Special Inspections AND if your project is in an environmentally critical area or involves a large quantity of earth-moving, check… [ Keep reading ]

SPU’s Wet Season Tips for Pollution Prevention & Reporting

During the last wet season, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) received many reports from the community and other public agencies about turbid (muddy) runoff from construction sites. Construction site operators also notified SPU that runoff was bypassing stormwater treatment system and that there were unanticipated overflows from the sites. Sometimes, the… [ Keep reading ]

SDCI’s Updated Phone System Includes In-Language Support

As part of SDCI’s continuing efforts to improve our customers’ experience and to make it easier to contact staff, SDCI has updated and improved our main phone number, (206) 684-8600. SDCI’s main phone number has new triage phone staff to answer general questions or direct your call to an SDCI… [ Keep reading ]

Reminder: Urban Planner and At-large Members Sought to Join the Seattle Design Commission

Mayor Bruce Harrell is recruiting an Urban Planner and an At-Large member to join the Seattle Design Commission. The two-year terms will start in March 2025. We are looking for an urban planner and an at-large member interested in elevating the design of City capital projects (parks, community centers, fire… [ Keep reading ]

Request for Comments on Proposed Ordinance to Update SMC 23.54.040

Seattle Public Utilities Solid Waste and SDCI seek comments from the development community on a proposed ordinance to update SMC Land Use Code 23.54.040 – Solid Waste Storage & Access. SMC 23.54.040 has not had a substantial update in 16 years. Many sections fail to meet the needs of an… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Landslide Season! Are You Prepared?

Protect and inspect your hillside property Landslide season is here, so the City of Seattle is urging residents to take preventive measures to protect themselves and their property from possible landslides. Did you know that most landslides occur between the months of November and March? The threat of landslides will… [ Keep reading ]

Register for Upcoming Unreinforced Masonry Building Informational Webinars

SDCI has been working to advance the City’s program for improving the earthquake safety of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. These vintage brick buildings are prone to collapse in an earthquake. The vulnerability of these buildings can be reduced through a seismic retrofit to strengthen roof, wall, and floor connections. To… [ Keep reading ]

Don’t Miss Our October 19 Seattle Home Fair

SDCI is hosting a Seattle Home Fair on October 19 to help you get a jump-start on your home improvement project. We moved the Seattle Home Fairs to the fall so we can answer your permitting and code questions in time for you to apply for, and receive, that construction… [ Keep reading ]

Urban Planner and At-large Members Sought to Join the Seattle Design Commission

Mayor Bruce Harrell is recruiting an Urban Planner and an At-Large member to join the Seattle Design Commission. The two-year terms will start in March 2025. We are looking for an urban planner and an at-large member interested in elevating the design of City capital projects (parks, community centers, fire… [ Keep reading ]

Join Us for Our Seattle Home Fairs

– Learn about rental housing rules, tree regulations, permits, inspections, and more Once again, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is hosting the popular Seattle Home Fairs in your community. There are going to be two this year, with one in the north end and one in the south… [ Keep reading ]