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Posts categorized under News Release Archives - Building Connections

Members Sought for Seattle’s Design Review Boards

– Shape new buildings in your community. Passionate about design or architecture? Mayor Bruce Harrell is looking for qualified candidates to fill 21 upcoming openings on the City of Seattle’s Design Review Boards. Board members evaluate the design of new buildings based on citywide and neighborhood-specific design guidelines. The boards… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Landslide Season! Are You Prepared?

Protect and inspect your hillside property Landslide season is here, so the City of Seattle is urging residents to take preventive measures to protect themselves and their property from possible landslides. Did you know that most landslides occur between the months of November and March? The threat of landslides will… [ Keep reading ]

Join Us for Our Seattle Home Fairs

– Learn about rental housing rules, tree regulations, permits, inspections, and more Once again, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is hosting the popular Seattle Home Fairs in your community. There are going to be two this year, with one in the north end and one in the south… [ Keep reading ]