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Join Us for Our Seattle Home Fairs

– Learn about rental housing rules, tree regulations, permits, inspections, and more Once again, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is hosting the popular Seattle Home Fairs in your community. There are going to be two this year, with one in the north end and one in the south… [ Keep reading ]

Join Us for the Seattle Home Fairs

Once again, SDCI is hosting our popular Seattle Home Fairs. There are going to be two this year! One in the north and one in the south. We moved the Seattle Home Fairs to the fall so we can answer your questions in time for you to apply for, and receive,… [ Keep reading ]

Time to Apply for a Grading Season Extension

The rainy season is rapidly approaching, which means it’s time to think about whether you will be doing any grading between November 1 and March 31. If your project includes Geotechnical Special Inspections AND if your project is in an environmentally critical area or involves a large quantity of earth-moving, check… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Home Fairs

Once again, SDCI is hosting our popular Seattle Home Fairs. There are going to be two this year! One in the north and one in the south. We started holding them in the fall because we wanted to be able to answer your questions in time for you to apply for,… [ Keep reading ]

The Seattle Construction Codes are being Updated

The Seattle construction codes are being updated to the 2021 code editions and include the building, residential, existing building, energy, mechanical, plumbing, fuel gas, and fire codes. The Seattle electrical code is being updated to the 2023 edition and the boiler and pressure vessel code being updated to the 2024… [ Keep reading ]

New Code Interpretation for Membrane Penetrations of Walls and Partitions

We recently published a new Code Interpretation SBC 714.4.2 for membrane penetrations of walls and partitions. Seattle Building Code 714.4.2 includes a list of exceptions that mainly covers metallic electrical boxes and other small membrane penetrations, where the penetrating item is installed into one side of a wall. This Code… [ Keep reading ]

Landlord Workshop on September 11

Join SDCI’s Renting in Seattle staff at City Hall for a landlord workshop on Wednesday, July 17 at City Hall. This in-person only event is a comprehensive training on rental regulations and fair housing laws in Seattle that apply throughout the rental cycle from move-in to move-out. This training is open… [ Keep reading ]

September Publication Update

Draft Director’s Rule

SDCI is Preparing for and Reducing Vulnerability to Earthquakes

We cannot predict earthquakes, but we can predict how a building performs in an earthquake. Seattle has 1,100 unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings that are vulnerable to collapse in an earthquake because they lack structural reinforcements. SDCI is supporting efforts to seismically retrofit these buildings. SDCI is coordinating with first responders… [ Keep reading ]

SEPA Decision for Seattle’s Permanent Floodplain Development Regulations

In February of 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) required Seattle to update our floodplain regulations to include FEMA’s new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and the Flood Insurance Study (FIS). FEMA’s adoption of the new map and study also included an audit of Seattle’s floodplain regulations. Through the… [ Keep reading ]